Let Cooking Italian with Joe show you how to make my grandmother's authentic Italian world's best rice pudding! Truly smooth and silky texture that fills...
Served with a spicy beef broth for dipping, these roast beef sandwiches on crusty rolls - a variation on a traditional Mexican 'drowned sandwich' -make...
This refreshing recipe is great for a hot summer day! White albacore tuna, onion, and corn are mixed with the flavors of lime, cilantro, and piquant hot...
Rouladen is a German dish that is made by wrapping thin slices of beef around a mixture of onion, pickle and bacon and then braised. In this recipe, which...
Mmm...A yummy pasta dish that stays in the limits of pasta town but still very hearty and healthy meal. This meal is easy to prepare and good to make for...
For years, my family and I have been searching for a good, traditional-tasting coquito recipe. After having tried the whole egg yolk thing, simply adding...
I just love meatballs and these are a prefect spring dinner. I served over sauteed spinach and Oh my God amazing! These were ready in 30 minutes and a...
A refreshing biscotti reminiscent of the tropical drink. Great with tea or coffee! I never really measure the ingredients after rum but I've tried to approximate...
You'll adore this casserole of fresh lamb, smoked ham, sausage, mixed vegetables, and large, white Italian kidney beans. Serve with fresh crusty bread....
This recipe is full of Thai flavor and so easy to make. I always use Chinese eggplants (the longer, thinner eggplants), but other kinds will work just...
This is a true Italian winter favorite. The flavor and texture combination is enjoyable due to the tangy flavor of the Gorgonzola, sweetness of the walnuts,...
A delicious, easy, curry chicken dish cooked entirely in a slow cooker. It's even better one or two days later, as leftovers. Your family will love it!...
Skip takeout and make your own sweet and sour pork at home. I like to toss some egg rolls in the air fryer while it is hot so that the meal has that full...
This dish is called red-cooked pork, or hong shao rou in Mandarin. It's delicious served on steamed buns or over rice. Caramelized sugar, star anise, and...
Clafoutis is one of my favorite French desserts because it takes only 10 minutes to prepare and is super versatile. I tried it with blackberries the other...
A twist on the traditional, using sweet potatoes. Easy and filling and liked even by those that don't normally eat sweet potatoes. The flavor will surprise...
For grown-ups only. This recipe is my closest attempt at duplicating the awesome flavor of a cold margarita. It's sweet, tart, salty, and packs a punch....
In order to get that single flat steak cut from the chicken thigh, it actually takes some precision and some knife handling skills. But all that peeling,...
Shredded chicken for tacos made simple thanks to the Instant Pot ®. Add your favorite toppings like shredded lettuce, shredded cheese, chopped tomato,...
These lamb shanks are simmered in coconut milk and premade Thai seasoned stock, with tomatoes, red curry powder, peas, carrots, and potatoes. Serve with...
I love gujarati style kadhi. It is more watery than Punjabi kadhi and I particularly like the sweet-sourness that is typical of gujarati cooking. This...
An ace curry--traditional, vegetarian, and tasty as all else! An indian dish, when I serve this up, my mates, family, or peers are quite chuffed and I'm...